Presse - Lazare Rachline dans la presse israélienne
Correspond aux pages : 362, 363Note de l'auteur
Meeting France Israël en 1956, après l'intervention américaine et soviétique pour stopper les armées israélienne, britannique et française qui avaient repris le contrôle du canal de Suez, nationalisé par l'Egypte de Nasser. Jérusalem Post probablement.Retranscription
Herut Spokesmen And Top French Diplomats Address "Franco - Israël Alliance" Rally
From our own correspondent
PARIS, Thursday. — More than 2,000 leaders of French opinion assembled at the Pleyel Hall some days ago for the first public meeting of the newly'Created French committee for a Franco-Israel Alliance.
The Committee has been established as a result of Herut initiative and Mr. Haim Landau was one of the principal speakers at the meeting which was presided over by M. Lucien Rachline, famous Liberation leader and wartime Government spokesman, and addressed, also, by M. Pierre André, leading French Deputy and M. Jacques Soustelle, former Governor-General of Algeria. .
Greetings to the gathering were sent by M. André Mare, President of the Council of Ministers, who was unable to be présent. He notified his "complété accord” with his colleagues at the meeting and sent his homage to the valiant people of Israël.
No country but Israël would hâve endured Arab aggression for so long, M. Rachline declared. Israel’s reaction against Egypt was wholly legitimate — and it was of the .same calibre as France’s, for France had also long suffered from the provocations of the Egyptian dictator.
Saved the world
"Israël has, perhaps, saved the whole world by attacking the lackeys of Russia," he said.
Haim Landau, Herut Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, who addressed the great Paris pro-Israel rally.
M. Pierre André recalled to the gathering Mr. Menachem Begin’s address before the French Chamber of Deputies two months ago — and stressed Mr. Begin’s warning. "If an end is not made to the Nasser régime, Egypt is likely to become the first Communist State in the Middle East."
The extraordinary army of Israël could hâve been in Cairo within eight days but for American intervention, he said. With the martyred Hungarian people and the ridiculous Egyptian upstart to choose from, America chose to fly to the help of the latter.
Anxiety over U.S. policy
M. André expressed his anxiety about American political intervenin the Middle East.
He was followed by M. I. Franckel, President of the French Kevisionist Party, who called on ail people seeking liberty to unité in the struggle for its eternal values.
M. Coste-Floret, M.R.P. Deputy for Haute-Garonne, declared that a Franco-Israel alliance was even more necessary now than in 1948. He was supported in his plea by M. S. Friedrich, spokesman of the World Executive of the Herut-Revisionist Movement.
Regretted Israël action was checked
M. Jacques Soustelle, former Gov-ernor of Algeria, then declared that even if they had not wanted a Franco-Israel alliance, Nasser would hâve compelled them to enter into one. He said he regretted that the Israël operation had stop-ped short through Russian and American pressure. Five or six days more would hâve saved the World much agony.
"The 1918 armistice Unes are[...]"
M. Rachline, famous French Liberation leader, who presided at a réception to Menachem Begin in Paris two months ago ... Now he and his colleagues hâve recalled Mr. Begin’s address to France on that occasion, and are calling for a firm Franco-Israel Alliance.